Stephen Amell believes Flashpoint' Could Very Likely Impact 'Arrow'
Recently, Flash star Grant Gustin revealed the title of season 3's premiere as 'Flashpoint,' based off of an event comic series that saw time altered when Barry Allen opts to save his mother's life.
And while we can expect the other CW shows to steer clear of the alternate universe world of The Flash, should that be the direction the show is headed, Stephen Amell believes there's a very real chance that Arrow could join in the fun.
Answering questions during a Facebook Live broadcast, he stated that The Flash's direction, with the choice of title, is "really cool," and points out that Flashpoint "certainly could" impact Arrow.
Of course, his influence is limited, and there's every chance he hasn't learned enough yet to know what exactly is going down in Arrow's fifth season. Producers have however teased a four-way crossover at some point in the new TV season, so expect Flashpoint to have repercussions.
Source: Comicbook