Steven Spielberg will Never Direct a Star Wars Film, According to the Acclaimed Director
Steven Spielberg has taken on every kind of film you can think off, sticking close to the adventure genre but weaving it in and out of all kinds of other genres as he pleases.
That being said, the filmmaker has confirmed to the Toronto Sun that he will never direct a Star Wars film. "I’m never going to make a Star Wars film. That’s not my genre. It’s certainly my buddy’s — the Thomas Edison of science fiction, George Lucas, who created the entire series.
"But that was never for me. I’m just a fan; I’m just with everybody else in the audience watching them.” The BFG, meanwhile, is a new kind of film for Spielberg, who has never dabbled much with magic.
“This was an open and closed-ended excursion in the imagination of magic. I haven’t done anything really in my entire career to do with alchemy; real magic. So for me (The BFG) was an original adventure and I had the best time on it. I worked for three years on it and the worst moment I had was when I finished the movie."
The BFG arrives July 1.
Source: Comicbook