Steven Spielberg's 'Ready Player One' Pushed Back, Clears Way for Star Wars
Steven Spielberg's next film, Ready Player One, initially set for a December 15, 2017, release date, has changed its mind. The studio has pushed it back into 2018, to open on March 30th.
It's very likely that this move is intended by Warner Bros. to avoid the inevitable competition with Star Wars: Episode VIII, a competition that it would no doubt lose. Many industry analysts predicted the move in the wake of Rian Johnson's Star Wars sequel being pushed back to a Christmas time release.
Ready Player One is an adaptation of Earnest Cline's novel, and is set in 2044 following a teenager who seeks a hidden Easter Egg in the digital world of OASIS. The character, Wade, is challenged with solving puzzles set by the creator in order to unlock new clues, and vast power and wealth awaits him at the end of it all.
Source: Comicbook