That's basically what I said. Elisabeth Moss and Jason Schwartzman in Listen Up Philip
Clip from Listen Up Philip with Elisabeth Moss and Jason Schwartzman.
Ashley Kane (Elisabeth Moss): Ok, could you stop doing that? It's really annoying.
Philip Lewis Friedman (Jason Schwartzman): I plan on going away for a week.
You know this is important to me.
I know, but it wasn't supposed to start for 10 days. They changed it, I don't know what to tell you. You're not being really supportive right now. You know this is an amazing opportunity for me.
Tell me the good version of his conversation.
You got the job!? Congratulations Ashley, I'm so happy for you! Although I admit to being a little disappointed, I understand that these thing happen. I'm so proud of you baby..
That's basically what I said. I would never say that.