The Avengers: B-
The Avengers: Assemble (2012)
The Avengers: Age Of Ultron (Scheduled for a 2015 release)
The Avengers came out in the Summer of 2012 with great anticipation and it didn’t disappoint. Each character was given their chance to shine with most taking that chance with two hands. At first I was skeptical that this would turn out to be a full blown fanboy paradise but it proved itself to have more substance than style. The Avengers: Assemble features some of the most breathtaking fight scenes I have ever seen in a superhero film. Granted, we are only one film into this series but the results so far lead to a promising sequel in 2015. With Joss Whedon remaining at the helm, Avengers: Age of Ultron can hopefully continue in it’s older brothers footsteps and maybe take us to another level.