The Force Awakens: J.J. Abrams Talks "Horrifying" Experience Screening First Cut for Disney Execs
Recently on The Howard Stern Show, director J.J. Abrams looked back at his experience screening the first cut of the film, before visual effects, describing it as a horrifying experience.
Showing it to Disney execs Bob Iger, Alan Horn and Alan Bergman, Abrams said "I'm nervous beyond words, I'm showing this movie that I know is so far from finished, there's not an effect in it... it was a lot of me giving excuses before the screening.
"I'm reading their body language while they're watching it... I couldn't tell if they were miserable or in ecstasy." He described the positive aftermath as the "biggest relief of my life" before quipping that "they spent four billion dollars, they have to love it!"
Abrams described his hesitance at directing the film, having turned down the role initially. When he sat down with producer Kathleen Kennedy, the story started to flow. Particularly, the idea that Luke, Leia and Han are myths excited him.
So along with the young characters to feature come mid December, a new generation of fans gets to experience Star Wars on December 18.
Source: Variety