'The Last of Us' Film Adaptation Hits a Disappointing Road Block
Naughty Dog is the team behind the beloved Uncharted franchise and the universally and critically acclaimed post apocalypse third person shooter The Last of Us. And for a while, a film adaptation has been in the pipeline much to the excitement (and, to be honest, nerves) of fans.
Now, game director for The Last of Us Neil Druckmann has spoken with IGN, revealing that the film has officially entered developmental hell.
"I know I said in an interview a while back we had a table read, got the script to a good place and it kind of entered development hell like these things tend to do. There hasn't been any work done on it in over a year and a half."
So while it seems like there's been dedication toward the project, it has nevertheless fallen prey to the difficulties of getting a film off the ground. While it's looking dire for The Last of Us for now, an Uncharted adaptation has a slated release date of June 30, 2017, and if that eventuates it might just ignite some genuine interest in making The Last of Us happen.
Source: Cinemablend