The LEGO Batman Movie - Movie Review
Out of all the movies featuring the Caped Crusader in the recent years, does the one based off LEGOs happen to be the best one in years? Might be in bad taste to say the following , but let's (figuratively) break it down.

The LEGO Batman Movie is directed by Chris McKay and is a sequel spin-off to the surprisingly successful LEGO Movie back in 2014. We're reintroduced to the evself-absorbed and sarcastic Batman (voiced by Will Arnett) as he goes through personal inner-turmoils, coping with the fact that he doesn't have a family while trying to save Gotham City from his classic arch enemy, The Joker (voiced by Zach Galifianakis).
I've been looking forward to this film for two reasons. 1) If you've followed my blog or know me well enough, you'll know that Batman is my favorite hero of all time. 2) I loved The LEGO Movie. It was fun, creative, hilarious all jam packed into a great family movie. There's a ton going for this LEGO movie franchise universe.
That all said, would it really surprise you if I said this movie is awesome?

Will Arnett once again makes a case to be involved in the "best film Batman" discussion because he nails it. He's got a lock on that snarky, confident Batman voice and brought it to this performance. Even Zach Galifianakis delivered big time as The Joker, he was welcomed presence to the story and arguably is the best film Joker since Heath Ledger. (Sorry Jared Leto fans)
The animation is spot on just as it was for the first LEGO Movie. The attention to detail on the legos and creation of how objects are put together is top notch. The action is fast paced, incredibly engaging, and very innovative. The writers didn't limit their imagination one bit in this department and it pays off very well.
The comedy is where this movie shines the most. It's consistently hilarious, witty, and clever at every turn. The writers knew where to poke fun at the film history and the mythology of the Batman lore while also paying homage to it. If I wasn't laughing out loud, I had a smile on my face in sheer entertainment. Whether you're a fan of pop culture references or Batman in general or both, you're going to have a ball with this movie.

The only issue I had is that it's almost too funny and silly. The jokes come at you so rapidly, there's barely any time to savor the laugh or the moment. But that's really a very small nitpick and not a discredit at all. I had a total blast with this film, it's my favorite Batman movie since The Dark Knight and to me, that's a pretty great feeling.
I'm going to give The LEGO Batman Movie an "B+" on the movie grading scale. Take the family to this one, it's a great time for all ages. If you loved the first LEGO Movie, you're going to love this just the same if not more.
As always, thanks so much for reading and make sure to stay posted to Frank’s Takes for more reviews. Until next time, keep it 100.