'The Lego Movie 2' gets Shifted Nearly a Year from Original Release Date
Warner Bros. has pushed The Lego Movie 2 from May 2018 to February the following year, nine months apart, though there's no word as to why this is the case.
It means that the sequel will arrive almost five years to the day after the original, which is a pretty long time to wait for a sequel. Originally, it was slated for the 18th of May, 2018. It will now reach theaters 8th of February, 2019.
Dean Devlin disaste pic Geostorm has also been pushed, from the 13th of Jan, 2017 to the 20th of October of the same year. Ben Affleck's next directorial effort, Live By Night, a period crime pic written and starred in by Affleck himself, has moved from the 13th of January, 2017 to the 20th of October that year.
Source: Deadline