The Power Rangers Are On Set, Along With An Alternate Rita Repulsa Costume, And A Sixth Ranger...?
Details are starting to pour in regarding the 2017’s ‘Power Rangers.’ Dean Israelite and his new team of super powered teenagers are in full production. Most of the details so far have emerged in the form of Elizabeth Banks on set, channeling her inner Rita Repulsa. But now we have a better glimpse into the character and more.

We also get a glimpse at what appears to be a wire harness. Looks like Rita will have the ability to fly or levitate as well..
Rita Repulsa is a powerful humanoid alien witch. Who after conquering many worlds throughout the universe, came face to face with Zordon of Eltar. She was eventually imprisoned in a magical space dumpter of sorts and sent adrift. After 10,000 years, she has finally been freed and looks to continue her plans to conquire the world.

Now we have our first look at the actual Rangers themselves on set and in character. The picture of the news stand displays an article that confirms the film will take place in Angel Grove and will be a reboot of the original Rangers, contrary to reports that it's not.

Now this last image is one that I found particularly interesting. I noticed something that gave clues pointing to a 6th Ranger.. In the photo below, there appears to be what looks like possible weaponry for the rangers. RED, BLUE, BLACK PINK and YELLOW. Then what appears to be a silver possibly gold apparatus..? We will have to wait and see, but this definitely hints at a 6th joining the fight to save the world.

Power Rangers hits theaters March 24, 2017 STARRING: Elizabeth Banks, Becky G, Naomi Scott, Darce Montgomery, Ludi Lin, RJ Cyler