The Revenant
I tend to see him more on People Magazine while working at my local supermarket more so than I would like to but I have still always enjoyed Leonardo DiCaprio since the early 90's when he started his career. He is an actor willing to put himself in the big spots and as he has worked with famous directors like Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino or actors/actresses like Johnny Depp or Meryl Streep and Kate Winslet, it shows he is doing something right. His latest film The Revenant follows the same positives along with some similar themes of his previous work.Based off real events and set in 1823, Hugh Glass (Dicaprio) gets attacked by bear on a fur expedition. What follows is a survival story dealing with the themes of revenge, climate issues and the stylings of a western. A wilderness film trying to showcase life in the 1800's.DiCaprio is usually the dominant character in every movie that he is in and The Revenant is no different as this is all about DiCaprio. Using very little dialogue at times and coming from famed director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu who uses these VERY impressive close ups and single shots, DiCaprio seems to be always in your face here. From the times his character is in pain to expressing emotions, DiCaprio is top notch and he can do it all. A type of personality that DiCaprio has never played before and being that's it's such an original storyline, it is one he will likely won't play again.DiCaprio is the main piece but this cast has more. John Fritzgerald (Tom Hardy) is Glass's enemy and a character that brings revenge into the story. Hardy plays the role so well he's almost as good as Dicaprio. Played by actor journeymen Domhnall Gleeson, Captain Andrew Murray is a character who is the next closest leader to Glass. Even in the smaller roles, there are recognizable names like Luckas Hass (so underused though) and upcoming star Will Poulter.
The Revenant is so different from what we see every Friday. The type of style that I wish we saw more of. Something that just make us look forward to more Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu films. A film that should win Oscars once award season is here especially DiCaprio.