The Ridiculous Six. Review.
A dire and lazy attempt at parody of the Western genre.
The Ridiculous Six is directed by Frank Coraci and stars Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, Taylor Lautner, Terry Crews, Luke Wilson and Jorge Garcia. It tells the story of White Knife (Adam Sandler) and his five half brothers, who attempt to rescue their long lost father after he is kidnapped by his former band of outlaws.
The Ridiculous Six is everything you have come to expect from an Adam Sandler production; it is crude, juvenile and simply unfunny. There is not a single well crafted joke in this so called comedy, and instead we are treated to a gruelling two hours of racial slurs, penis jokes and faecal matter. It is laughably bad, yet it sadly proves that there will always be an audience for Sandler’s brand of pathetic comedy.
Sandler gathers together a host of his old friends and former co-stars to play his band of brothers and each of them looks happy to take their pay cheque and run, and Sandler himself looks extremely bored. I also think it is fair to assume that Sandler is holding relatives of Steve Buscemi, Harvey Keitel and Nick Nolte as hostages in some dark and dingy basement somewhere, as each of them make baffling cameos that will make you cringe in embarrassment.
As audiences grow tired of watching his tiresome comedies in theaters the world over, Sandler has resorted to forcing his way inside our homes and onto our television screens, as the Ridiculous Six is the first of four films that Netflix will distribute in partnership with Happy Madison. One has to wonder what the executives at Netflix were thinking when they decided to add the works of Adam Sandler to their growing collection of critically acclaimed and much loved original films and series, and one must hope that they can draw attention away from this debacle quickly.
To find out that this production cost sixty million dollars astonishes me, but perhaps it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise seeing as most, if not all, of Sandler’s films have cost an extortionate amount to make. Smarter, leaner and more exciting films have been made for much, much less.
I have little more to say on the Ridiculous Six, but I will take the time to say save yourself the trouble. Take the time to do the things you’ve been putting off for a while. If you have seen at least one Adam Sandler ‘comedy’ before, you have most certainly seen this one.
Words by Jake Constable.