'The Walking Dead' Showrunner Seemingly Debunks Daryl Dixon Morse Code Theory
Lately, many have been speculating whether Daryl Dixon was sending Rick Grimes morse code messages when the two were prohibited from speaking to one another by the new big bad Negan.
Showrunner Scott Gimple spoke with ComicBook.com, which asked him to comment on the theory. Fans of the idea might just be disappointed to hear that Gimple, while not outwardly denying it, is more or less putting it to rest.
"I heard about this on set yesterday," Gimple said. "I would like to live in a world where Daryl Dixon residuously learns morse code and knows that Rick has an intimate knowledge of morse code, as well, and that they have practiced this with blinks. I would love that."
"I will also say that it was an incredibly sunny day," Gimple said. "But I will say this, the fans of this show are the greatest fans that watch a television program. The stories that they tell and the things that they gleam out of it are actually really thrilling. It just excites me that they have enough faith that we have put in some labyrinth theme kind of stuff. I would love to live in a world where that was true but it also could have been a sunny day. Hazy, too, which makes it worse."
Source: Comicbook