Thor: B-
Thor (2011)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor 3 (Scheduled for a 2016 release)
Thor’s release in 2011 was mixed. Some saw it as a pleasant surprise whilst others like me didn’t really care too much. I did enjoy this film although the plot was kind of all over the place. It felt a little contrived at times with the special effects simply dominating the entire film. One film in, it was hard to get a true idea of how things will pan out, but for me, Thor didn’t quite seem to have the pulling power of a Superman, Batman or Spider-Man.
Thor: The Dark World was released in 2013 and was a step in a more positive direction. Character development was vastly enhanced and Chris Hemsworth as Thor was much more believable but Tim Hiddleston as Loki elevated this film— he really does fit the role handsomely. I still believe we will see Thor’s biggest triumphs during the Avengers films, but the The Dark World was an improvement on the first Thor movie taking it's original C grade to a more promising B-.