Agent K flashes some people and tells them to turn their cellphone off on the plane. Men in Black 3
Clip with Tommy Lee Jones as Agent K and Will Smith as Agent J.
Good afternoon. Please give your attention to my associate, agent J. He's going to demonstrate an electro-biochemical neural transmitting, zero sinnap three positioner. We call it the Neuroliser, keep it simple slick.
Thanks a lot. Thank you Agent K. Ladies and gentlemen, if you will. Look right here.
He flashes them.
Okay, now you're on an airplane. And the flight attendant asks you to turn your cellphone off. And you're like, I ain't turning my cellphone off, that don't have nothing to do with no damn airplane. Well, this is what we get. This is what happens. It gets up there, bounces around on its satellites and bam... Just turn your damn cellphone off. Now you're gonna drop off a cliff tonight, because your GPS don't work.