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Born to Be Wild
Born to Be Wild in IMAX 3D, UK

Born to Be Wild in IMAX 3D, UK

Drew Fellman: In essence the film is about family. It's about these animals that have lost their family. Usually because something terrible has happened to them by the hands of men. And it's about another group of people, who are making amends for that. Who are taking these orphans in and raising them. And giving them a second chance to be wild animals again.

Morgan Freeman: If we don't know about these other creatures. If we don't know what their lives are like. We just sort of blithely go along do what we're doing without any thought to them. And we must think about it.

It's been over 50 years since Daphne Sheldrick first adopted orphan elephants. She's created a save haven for them at a very special nursery, just outside Nairobi.

Dame Daphne M. Sheldrick: I'm born in Kenia and had orphan elephants for almost all my life.

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