Choreographing the dance fights in Puss in Boots
Put up your dukes.
Very well. Hu!
Chris Miller (Director): Dancing just felt like a natural fit for Puss in Boots.
Olivier Staphylas (Animation Supervisor): We were terrified by doing dance moves that are so complex, fortunately the studio hired choreographers and dancers.
Laura Gorenstein Miller (Dance Choreographer): I’m Laura Miller and I am the choreographer for the dance sequence of Puss in Boots. So what I would do is take the storyboards into the studio with the music and shot by shot choreographic it with my dancers. Then I would film it and I would take it back to the animators.
Latifa Ouaou (Producer): The challenge was to find the right cat moves to make the dance more memorable and specific to the animal.
The animators, they can do anything. We came up with a litter box, and the scrout (?) and all these funny cat moves. The animators have taken it to crazy levels.