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The Woman in Black
Director James Watkins and Ciaran Hinds on Daniel Radcliffe in The Woman in Black

Director James Watkins and Ciaran Hinds on Daniel Radcliffe in The Woman in Black

The Woman in Black - Daniel Radcliffe as Arthur Kipps.

Daniel Radcliffe: The only way that scares actually count, when they come in a film like this, is if you care about the character. You'll be much more scared.

Director James Watkins: I don't want the cast to be foundered, to be faughtered, in the way of a slasher movie. I think it's important that every character, that you see them from the inside out. And you know who they are and what they feel.

Ciaran Hinds: He's the protagonist of the story, Arthur Kipps, that Daniel is playing. And it's his journey. And it's through him the whole story is told. There's not a scene that goes by that he's not in.

Producer Richard Jackson: For the young Arthur Kipps, the only really significant events that have occurred in his life, are the fact that his wife passed away in childbirth and he has a young son to bring up. And Daniel has handled this side of the story wonderfully well.

Producer Simon Oakes: He's a very emotional performer. And I think that that is also important in this material. Because you got to believe in Arthur. Daniel, this is his first adult role since Harry Potter.

Daniel Radcliffe also talks about playing a father for the first time.

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