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Bayou Blue
Directors Alix Lambert and David McMahon on the serial killer Ronald Dominique. Bayou Blue

Directors Alix Lambert and David McMahon on the serial killer Ronald Dominique. Bayou Blue

Alix Lambert: No, well, I don't see... It's not my opinion that anyone can be so easily defined, as like a monsters. I don't think human nature is that simplistic. But I think it's certainly the view of Ricky. If you're someone who escaped a rapist and a murderer.

David McMahon: We looked into meeting his sisters in law. And we talked to them there for about an hour, I'd say. And they did not want to talk in the film. And understandably so. I mean, they have very private lives. And most people don't know they were related to this man. And they thought about it, but they decided not to. And then his actual sister, she wasn't interested. For the most part nobody was, none of his family. Nobody in his family wanted to talk to us, including him.

Alix Lambert: I mean, if he had responded, we'd certainly would've spoken to him. But this is the nature of documentary. You can't force someone to...

Alix Lambert: I mean, I do feel like he's in there a fair amount, because of he really narrates the film through his interrogation tapes. So that to me is an unique voice to hear him defend himself in the only way that he has before since spoken about the crimes, so. I do feel like he's pretty well represented.

David McMahon: We felt like we could speculate on his motives and behavior, but it would kind of be disingenuous. And the best stuff that we have to speak for his point of view is what he says and what we put in the film. Anything else is speculative.

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