Can I help you find something? Sure. I'm not having a ton of luck here. Is this something for work? No, it's a special occasion. It's not a formal occasion. I'm looking for something chic, clean, but also a bit edgy. Okay, we have some adorable new dresses that just came in. Yeah, do you have Marc Jacobs? No, I don't think we have that one.
I'm going to a rock concert with an old flame. And I think there is a chance we may reconnect. Let's show him what he's been missing. No, he's seen me recently. He knows. But his wife hasn't seen me in a while so. Well, it's the end of my shift and my son has to be picked up from school, so I'm just gonna send over another associate. She's up on all the trends. Shoanna.
Young Adult clip with Elizabeth Ward Land and Charlize Theron.