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Moonrise Kingdom
Does it concern you that your daughter has just run away from home? Moonrise Kingdom

Does it concern you that your daughter has just run away from home? Moonrise Kingdom

Clip with Bill Murray and Frances McDormand in Moonrise Kingdom.

Suzy, dinner, I'm not gonna say it again.

Where's your sister?

I don't know, but she brought my record player for 10 days without asking.

What does that mean?

Dear Lionel,
I need to use your record player. I will give it back in ten days or less. Do not tell mom (or dad) I will replace the batteries when I return.
Signed, Suzy Bishop

Walt, where the hell are you?

Right here, why are you cursing at me?

Does it concern you that your daughter has just run away from home?

That's a loaded question.

Come down and read this.

burnsting burnsting




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