Edward Norton proves himself to be a real friend to Khaki scouts everywhere in Moonrise Kingdom
Hello. I’m standing in front of a map of the island of New Penzance. Its the sight of Wes Andersons exciting new movie, Moonrise Kingdom. Actually this map doesn’t really exist. There is no Moonrise Kingdom. But don’t tell anybody in the movie that, or they’ll be really disappointed.
Edward Norton plays scoutmaster Ward, leader of Khaki scout group 55. He rings his bell and calls them to work. They’re working on a latrine today. Khaki scouts work hard. Troupe number 55 hangs out there at Camp Ivanhoe. Edward leads his scouts on some pretty strange adventures. Shooting can get very tense. A hurricane does figure very prominently in the movie. And endangers the lives of some of our characters. If it ever got tense on set, Edward would play with his hat. Here’s Wes Anderson, holding a megaphone. Edward Norton, hes holding an iPhone. Edward's a natural leader. Here he is sticking a pencil in the mouth of a Khaki scout. He can jump like a rabbit and throw a stone like the best of them. But in the end, he proved himself to be a real friend, to Khaki scouts everywhere.