Elijah Wood, George Miller and Robin Williams talk about voicing Happy Feet 2
Elijah Wood: The experience making the first Happy Feet was so enjoyable. So the opporunity to come back and work with George again and being reunited with the team, was really exciting.
George Miller (director, writer and producer): One of the great things we do, which I think really helps us a lot, is we put all the actors in the same recording booth. So they can really, really engage. It's a bit more difficult, technically. But it gives you wonderful, wonderful performances.
George Miller: Elijah Wood is playing Mumble.
Elijah Wood: The Mumble Gloria romance has continued. And it's beautiful.
Pink: When George first asked me to play the voice of Gloria, I thought he was joking. It's fun to watch everybody act like idiots. And laugh at themselves.
Elijah Wood: Hank Azaria, he is fantastic. And Hank's character is so colorful and unique. Sven was one of my favorite characters just reading it on page.
Hank Azaria: I thought it was kind of a no-brainer. You have a bird named Sven. He's probably Scandinavian. But George didn't want to leave it at that. He said, you know, let's not say necessarily that he's Scandinavian.
You've got Robin Williams, of course. Who's once again, Ramon.