Elizabeth Banks talks about her most painful family memories for Our Idiot Brother
Elizabeth Banks: Awkward family moments from the cast of Our Idiot Brother.
My favorite family moment in the film was actually in the car, when Ned has decides that he would rather stay in jail than be with us.
No, I'm good. What? No, thanks. I'm gonna stay here man. Thank you.
And when we figure out that we need to sort of save him. It's one of these moments when everybody's sort of in their own world of hurt. And in this very sweet gesture by our nephews, like I know how to get uncle Ned back to the family. I just love that car scene. It reminds me of growing up. It's like a bunch of nine-year-old girls fighting in the car. And that's how I grew up. Constantly, with my mom being like: “Shut up, everybody be quiet."
What's your most painful family memory?
My family took a cross-country trip through Canada. Cross Canada country. And it was a disastrous trip. We got into a car accident in Montreal. We got robbed in Toronto. All kinds of bad things. And my brother. We went to Niagara Falls and my baby brother threw his bottle out the window and almost caused like a massive pile-up on the highway. And all these horrible things. We got super lost going up there. In Buffalo they had all these detour sign and my father was ripping apart the map. And it was just one of those things, that it was so bad that it turned into something great.