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Ellis and Neckbone deliver a message to Juniper in Mud

Ellis and Neckbone deliver a message to Juniper in Mud

Mud trailer, with Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon and Tye Sheridan.

Ellis (Tye Sheridan): Mud sent us to give you this.

Juniper (Reese Witherspoon): You know Mud?

Neckbone (Jacob Lofland): Yeah, we know him.

Juniper: It says Hold Tight.

Neckbone: We know. We read it.

Well, do you know how long 'hold tight' is?

I think it's just a couple of days. He wants to get a boat for you.

Tell him I'll wait.

Juniper burns the paper.

But I don't want y'all to get involved. So you tell him what I said and let that be it. I don't want you to get in any trouble.

burnsting burnsting




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