Good evening Sherley. I see your bootmaker is ill, dear brother. Sherlock Holmes 2
John Watson: Not bad that. So, where are we going?
Mycroft Holmes: In the future there will be one of those machines in every town in Europe.
Sherlock Holmes: Loitering in the woodshed again, are we Mickey?
Good evening Sherley. I see your bootmaker is ill, dear brother.
As I detect that you have recently changed the brand of soap with which you shave.
May I point out that the chimney in the front room of Bakerstreet is still in need of a damn good sweeping out?
Are you aware that the hackney carriage by which you arrived had a damaged wheel?
Yes, the left. And it's plain to the meanest intelligence that you were recently acquired a new bow of your violin.
Same bow, new strings.
And may I deduce, that you who rarely strays from the path that runs from your home to the Diogenes Club, and never on a Monday, when they serve your favorite potted shrimps, must be here for some far more important reason than my stag party.
You know, he's nothing like as slow witted as you'd been leading me to believe Sherley.
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows scene with Stephen Fry as Sherlock Holmes' brother, Mycroft Holmes.