Hugh Jackman and director Shawn Levy talk about the story, the robots and motion capture in Real Steel
Do we have any fans of robot boxing here today?
Hugh Jackman: We're in the year 2020. And robot boxing is the biggest sport in the world.
That was awesome.
Shawn Levy (director): Corporate sponsors, big money, rules, regulations. But beyond that is the underworld.
Get me into the main event. Fight till the death. No! I just need a little loan. As much as I like you dude, you're a bad bet brother. What was he like? As a boxer? As anything.
Hugh Jackman: Charlie is someone who was a boxer. Boxing is no longer relevant. People aren't interested in it anymore. Robot boxing is a game. And he's trying to eke out a living.
Are you finally done, because you've got nothing left. What are we looking for? Anything. Anything I could use to put a fighting bot together. I think there's a whole robot in there.
Shawn Levy (director): Max finds Atom in this junk yard. And he believes that there's something to this robot.
I've never seen anything like it before.
Evangeline Lilly: When we bring him to life, it's probably the most important moment in the entire film. Atom becomes the glue that brings us all together.
Get him a fight.
Shawn Levy: The robots are operated by humans. They have remote controls. Control panels. High tech visors. Atom's big time function is the shadow function. And his operating system is programmed to mirror what he sees.
We did motion capture. Where we had real boxers, choreographed by Sugar Ray Leonard. Actually boxing each other.
Hugh Jackman: Sean said to me, how do you guys feel about Sugar Ray Leonard. I said, sure, why don't we just go for the best?