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I present my only son. Brave

I present my only son. Brave

It stands twelve feet tall. With razor sharp claws. His height littered with weapons of fallen warriors. His face scarfed with one dead eye. I drew my sword and... Champ, dad's leg was clean off.

Oh, that's my favorite part.

In accordance with our laws, the first born of each of the great leaders must prove their worth.

Marida, stop! A lady enjoys elegant pursuits.

I present my only son. He took out a whole armada single handily.

His little son is standing behind a much bigger guy.

With one arm, he was steering the ship.

I want my freedom! But are you willing to pay the price your freedom will cost.

Careful what you wish for my mother would say.

What's the worst that could happen?

No more fighting! Show a little decorum. Feast your eyes.

If you had the chance to change your fate. Would you?

burnsting burnsting




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