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Star Trek Into Darkness
I told you we'd fit. I'm not sure that qualifies. Star Trek Into Darkness

I told you we'd fit. I'm not sure that qualifies. Star Trek Into Darkness

Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto fly through a tight spot in Star Trek Into Darkness.

Zachary Quinto as Spock: This ship has no offensive capabilities.

Chris Pine as Kirk: It's got us. Give me all six fuel cells.

Aye Captain.

Zoe Saldana as Uhura: They're closing fast. Baring 285.

Alright, there, there. We could lose them there.

Spock: If you are suggesting that we utilize the passage between the approaching structures this ship will not fit.

Kirk: Will fit.

Captain, we will not fit.

Will fit! Will fit!

I told you we'd fit.

I'm not sure that qualifies.

burnsting burnsting




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