I'm told that he's just been struck by lightning. Moonrise Kingdom
Clip from Moonrise Kingdom with Tilda Swinton as Social Services, Bruce Willis as Police Captain Sharp and Edward Norton as Scout Master Ward.
You're Captain Sharp.
That's correct.
I'm social services. I remanded the boy into your personal custody. You're responsible for his safety. I'm told that he's just been struck by lightning.
That's the first I've heard of it.
It's true.
Scoutmaster Ward I presume?
Then your reputation proceeds you. You two are the most appallingly, incompetent custodial guardians social services has ever had the misfortune to encounter in a 27 year career. what do you have to say for yourselves.
You can't do this. They'll eat him alive in there.
What's the name of that place again?
Juvenile refuge. It sounds like jail.
Just find the boy and deliver him to social services. Nothing else is in your power.