Infected Kate Winslet makes last call? Contagion
Dr. Cheever. I think I'm sick.
What? What's going on? What kind of symptoms do you have?
I can't swallow. Severe headache.
What's your temperature?
Uh, listen. Just, you can't panic now.
No, I know.
Are you alone?
I have definitely infected other people.
You don't know that.
What should I do?
Well, I want you to stay in your room and I'll call the people at the health department. I'll tell them that you're there. You're gonna be okay.
No, I know, I know.
You got to send somebody else.
Yes, but you don't worry about that right now. Okay? You take care of yourself.
I'm sorry I couldn't finish.
That's, never mind that. Look, let me see what I can do by getting you back here. I'm gonna get you home if I can. Healthy.
Thank you.
You hang in there.