Invasion of the Apes, Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Rise of the Planet of the Apes action reel, released during Comic-Con.
A girl sees leaves falling from the sky. The apes run over the rooftops. The apes invade a lab and rescue their primates. A man stands in the middle of the building, surrounded by apes. The apes jump out of the building, through the glass windows. Squad teams come flying in by helicopter.
One of the apes gives the start sign. It screams. The military fires at the apes. One of them comes running in on a horse. The horse has to face the ape. The apes climb the buildings in the city and open up the sewers.
The apes stand on top of a building holding spears, ready to throw. They jump onto the vehicles and into the helicopter.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Help me. Take my hand. The ape turns around and nods. Another ape comes walking in and pushes the helicopter of the railing.