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Cowboys & Aliens
Is it demons? Cowboys and Aliens

Is it demons? Cowboys and Aliens

Is it demons? Why are you asking me?

Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard, Jon Favreau, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman talk about the film Cowboys and Aliens.

Steven Spielberg: In the graphic novel of Cowboys and Aliens captured all of our imaginations. The things that I kept wondering was, why hasn't anybody done anything like this before?

Ron Howard: It's everything I hoped for and beyond. The coolest version of the West, meeting some bad ass aliens.

What in the hell were those things? They've got my son. My wife. They'll come back for more and they'll be no survivors.

Roberto Orci: In the West people looked at each other sideways.

Alex Kurtzman: You've got a bunch of people who don't like each other and ultimately have to come together to fight a common enemy. Otherwise they'll all be extinct.

It's cool to see characters who would've been shooting at one other a few days before are suddenly forced to try to survive together.

You just have to work together.

Jon Favreau also talks about how how filmed the Western village.

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