Jack Black thinks Bernie Tiede is obsessed with being loved
Jack Black talks about playing Bernie.
Jack Black: Bernie Tiede is a complicated character. He's very gentle. But very motivated and ambitious and terms of all the things that he tries to achieve. He becomes a jack-of-all-trades. And the most liked man in the community. And it seems as though he's obsesses with being loved.
Shirley MacLaine: With the town's people talking to the camera. Like a Greek chorus. I thought, oh, this is a sociological comment on East Texas. Of course it's funny. It's a comedy noir.
Matthew McConaughey: The first time you're laughing in this story, you're like: am I supposed to be laughing? But that's funny, right? And suddenly all of the sudden everybody's in on the whole joke. And it lets you know that you can laugh.
I think this is like a long lens microscope. It goes through the pine trees and it shows and exposes this little area in East Texs behind the big thicket.
This is where the South begins. This is life behind the pine curtain.