Jim Carrey presents facts about working with real penguins on Mr. Poppers Penguins
Jim Carrey: Hi, I'm Jim Carrey. I'm here in New York City filming my new movie Mr. Popper's Penguins. During the worst winter in New York history. But don't worry. I'm willing to suffer. To bring you the viewer...
I can't do this. I'm dying. Guys! You think I can get a bottle of water over here? It's about a thousand degrees today.
This summer comedy is best served chilled.
Mark Waters (director): When I first read the script, I thought this has to be a complete visual effects penguin movie. I had no idea how to do the things we're asking these penguins to do with life penguins.
Jim Carrey: Penguins are untrainable. I would've been happy had they just been able to show them the difference between a fish and a finger.
The sense evil.
Working with life penguins.
Fact #1: Real Penguins do not take directions well.
Fact #2: Real Penguins do not follow the script.
We attempted to have them line up for a neat family dinner. Of course as soon as we lifted the covers off, they immediately leaped up onto the table.
Fact #3: Real Penguins need to chill.
Jim Carrey: We worked on stages that were 30 degrees, so that the penguins would be comfortable.
Fact #4: Real Penguins can't be beat.
Jim Carrey: You know penguins are like puppies times 10. They're just pure love.
20th Century Fox presents.
Captain. Bitey. Lovey. Nimrod. Stinky. Loudy. Jim Carrey.
Do you like that? It's a slow motion effect. Just wanted to get your attention.
Jim Carrey kisses the old women's hand.