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Martin Scorsese says the three dobermans are the gangsters in Hugo

Martin Scorsese says the three dobermans are the gangsters in Hugo

Martin Scorsese talks about the book Hugo and the immediate connection he had. And the child in the book, who lives between walls. Who is on his own and has to connect to someone. And how Georges Melies really worked at a toy store for 16 years.

He explains what the story is about and what the boy has to solve in the film. And what the clocks, the automaton, Georges Melies and the girl is about.

He also talks about the Station Inspector and what his job is. And how he changed this character and asked Brian Selznick if he could. And how Sacha Baron Cohen could add dept to this character. And lastly, he talks about the dogs, three dobermans. "It sounds like a gangster film."

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