Matt Damon talks about how Brad Pitt really went for it in Happy Feet 2
Matt Damon on playing Bill the Krill in Happy Feet 2.
He talks about how Bill follows Will, who wants to leave the swarm. "So I do the loyal friend thing and I go."
He said he got so excited when he saw the first sketches of the movie a year and a half ago. "Even then you could see in very, very rough form, that it was gonna be great. And that it had this really great message." He loved for his kids to see it.
Matt also talks about not being ashamed. Brad Pitt really went for it, which helped him as well. Matt Damon says that George Miller was contagious as well. "When you see a guy who loves it that much. And you realize that's what made the first movie great. That spirit. Directing definitely brings out George's happy." He said Brad and he did stuff they'd never done before.