New York can be a bit lonely. Times Square flashmob. Friends with Benefits
Come on, come on! Oh, you're showing me Times Square. This is not thirsty at all. Oh, would you shush, come on! So everybody just kind of walks wherever they want then. How about right here. We're here. Oh my God, it's 1988. Alright, smart-ass, give it five seconds.
Uuuh, what is this? It's a flashmob. Do these people get paid for this? No, no, they kind of just do it for fun. It's nice to feel like you're a part of something. New York can be a little bit lonely at times. And you're trying to sell me on it. Every place can be a bit lonely sometimes.
I'm in. What!? You sold me. Really? I'll take the job. Oh my God! What, are you surprised? Well, no, no. Oh, you are gonna crush it.
Amazing! You can all go home now, thank you. Very funny.