Oh, just relax there Jodie Foster! Jennifer Aniston in Horrible Bosses
Come in! Julia, you needed to see me? O shit! Will you have a seat Dale? Do I have to? Look Dale, I like to fool around at work. So from now on just tell me when I cross the line. Now, cause you're naked. Can you see my MIAUW! Hmm, true! Uuuhm...
Is your boss a sex crazed maneater?
We're gonna kill our bosses. We're not murderers. Can we stop doing this thing here? Because you have a girlfriend? We're engaged now. This little sweetheart right here is gonna get a peek at my little photo album. You did all this while I was unconscious? You're a raper! You raped me! That's a rape! Rape! Oh, just relax there Jodie Foster. I'm in! Let's kill this bitch. Let's see about that. Your gonna get me that dong down. You hear the words you say sometimes. I mean, who talks like that? Let's have sex on top of her. No, no, no.
Jennifer Aniston is very naughty.
Oooh, I can make out our little friend right there. Stop it! Oo! Shabbat Shalom, somebody's circumcised.