Poetry in To the Wonder
New Terrence Malick film with Olga Kurylenko, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck and Javier Bardem.
Neil (Ben Affleck): My sweet love. My hope.
Marina (Olga Kurylenko): You're everything to me.
Speak with me.
Father Quintana (Javier Bardem): Love is not only a feeling. Love is a duty. To commit yourself is to have the risk of failure. The risk of betrayal. But the man who makes a mistake can repent. You fear your love has died. Perhaps it's waiting to be transformed into something higher.
Jane (Rachel McAdams): Here I am. Do you know what you want?
Awaken the love, which sleeps in each man, in each woman. Know each other in that love, that never changes.
I'll love you forever.