Roland Emmerich explains why William Shakespeare was a fraud and didn't even write. Anonymous
Roland Emmerich gives 10 reasons why William Shakespeare was a fraud.
1. Not a single manuscript or poem was ever found in William Shakespeare's own handwriting. Not even a letter. Not a single handwritten note to his wife when he was away.
2. William Shakespeare was born in a small town to illiterate parents. A lot of people come from backgrounds like this and move up. But what's hard to explain is both his daughters couldn't read or write either.
3. Will Shakespeare was not a member of the upper classes. Then why did he so obsessively write about aristocracy? A bout kings and queens and the life at court. And how was he so familiar with their ways. And was he a trader to his own class? No way.
4. The only writing we have are six shaky inconsistent signatures. He had difficulty signing his own name.
5. None of his plays or poems reflect his life. If writing comes from the heart, why didn't he write something when his son died?
6. William Shakespeare had the largest English vocabulary of any writer in history. And he shows extensive knowledge of medicine, astronomy, art, music, military, law and philosophy. But no records proof he ever attended grammar school. There's no trace of his learning.
7. We know William Shakespeare retired in his forties and never wrote a single play, poem or sonnet again. How could he stop and never write anything again? Did he run out of ideas?
8. No records show he ever traveled across the borders of England. Yet Shakespeare's work references Italian cities in great detail. French court life. As well as etiquette of the nobility in foreign lands. How did he get the knowledge about all these countries he never visited? A third of his plays are set in Italy.
9. A monument shows he hold a sack of grain instead of a writing tool before renovations of the monument. Interesting?
10. The last will of William Shakespeare doesn't mention any books or manuscripts. Nothing that would indicate he was the author of 36 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 famous poems. Did he care about his work and what would happen with it? He cared more about his bed, he left to his wife.