Sarah Silverman talks about not being accepted as Vanellope in Wreck-It Ralph
Sarah Silverman talks about her character in Wreck-It Ralph: Vanellope Von Schweetz is a little girl who is in a game called Sugar Rush. But she doesn't get to be one of the racers, because she's a glitch. And she struggles. She's a loner. She's not accepted by the others.
Ralph is in a game where he's the bad guy. And, you know, being the bad guy is hard on a person and I think he didn't want to be bad anymore. So he leaves his game and he goes through all the different games in the arcade, trying to find, I think, acceptance. And he meets Vanellope and her game. And they knock heads and they don't like each other. But what you realize is that they're both the same. They're both in these games where they're not accepted by anyone else there and they just so desperately wanna fit in. And they realize, I think, through their friendship that their shortcoming become their greatest assets.