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The Ides of March
She's trying to blackmail me. The Ides of March

She's trying to blackmail me. The Ides of March

To Ida Horowicz. Yeah. She's threatening to release the story. How did she find out? Don't play dumb Tom. You think I leaked it to her? Yeah, who else. Yeah, I didn't leak it to her, Steve. Well, I know I didn't. So that leaves you. Okay, well, what does she know? She knows whatever you told her.

Did you tell anyone? No, did you? No. Did you admit to meeting with me? No. Alright. Then we stonewall her and she got nothing. She's gonna take the story to Drudge or to Roll Call.

She's trying to blackmail me. She wants info about Thomson. Well, then tell her what she wants to know. I can't do it. You know, you're on a sinking ship Steve. Tell her what she wants to know and jump. Come over to our side. We can control this thing. Steve? I gotta go.

The Ides of March clip with Ryan Gosling and Paul Giamatti.

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