Sleeping is the body's way of telling other people to go away. The Once-ler in The Lorax
The Lorax scares the Once-ler when he wakes up. He screams. The Lorax punches him in the face.
Okay, what are you... Question, what are they doing here? And followup if I may, what are you doing here?
Well, after the incident last night, we've found one of your socks and came here to return it. But when we got here, you were asleep.
Exactly. And sleeping is the body's way of telling other people to go away.
I know. But you looked so cozy. And it was cold outside. And we just fell asleep. No harm done.
No harm done? No harm done? Okay, I put my lips on the... Well, used to anyway. Ew, did you just...? In my bowl.
Why do have one of these? You don't even have a mustache.
Okay, that's good.
What? I thought we made a deal last night.
We did. And I said I wouldn't chop down any more trees.
And I said I was gonna keep an eye on you. I'm starving, what's for breakfast? Hehehe, breakfast is overrated.
Clip from the 2012 film The Lorax, with Ed Helms as the Once-ler.