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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Smiley is the anti-Bond. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Smiley is the anti-Bond. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

John Hurt: You're not talking about the kind of fantasy spies. Not like Bond. It's a completely different thing if not genre altogether.

Gary Oldman: There are no gadgets, no gizmos, no Aston Martins

Toby Jones: I think he's a fascinating character because of his discretion, sobriety, self-control, you don't see celebrated in other action spies.

Gary Oldman: He's sort of been described as the anti-Bond. So he's a great manipulator.

John le Carre: He has components which have mass appeal. He's out of sync with his employed constantly. He has a romantic agenda that he can never fulfill. He sees a lot and can do nothing about it. And seeing a lot is very painful.

Benedict Cumberbatch: He lets everything come to him. The room temperature changes to him. He completely and utterly regards people into thinking he's harmless.

Colin Firth: Smiley has to figure out these people based on how he understands them. It brings out the human element in all of this. I think he's one of the most compelling characters created in this genre.

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