Suzy and Sam want to get married quickly in Moonrise Kingdom
Are you his girl?
Technically, I'm a civil law scrivener, authorized to declare birth, death and marriages. You're kind of young. You got a license?
I can't offer you a legally binding union. It won't hold up in the state, the county, or frankly any courtroom in the world, due to your age, lack of a license and failure to get parental consent. But the ritual does carry a very important moral weight within yourselves. You can't enter into this lightly. Look into my eyes. Do you love each other.
Yes, we do.
But think about what I'm saying. Are you sure you're ready for this?
Yes, we are.
They're not listening to me. Let me rephrase it.
We're in a hurry.
Are you chewing? Spit out the gum sister. In fact, everybody. I don't like the snappy attitude. This is the most important decision you've made in your lives. Now go over to that trampoline and talk it through before you give me another quick answer.
Clip with Jason Schwartzman as cousin Ben in Moonrise Kingdom.