Take him to the zoo. Real Steel
I'm not going into business with you brother. I just need a break here Finn. Come on. Look, you got that old bot truck out there. You've always got something in there.
I've got an old G2 sparring bot ain't worth the paint left on it. What am I supposed to do with that? The zoo. Take him to the zoo. They fight there tomorrow. Not even I wouldn't be caught dead in the zoo. I'm, Finn, I just need a little loan. Some...
What? Are you serious Charlie? A loan. Something. A couple hundred, a few hundred. Whatever you got. Huh? You know I'm good for it right? Look, I know you man. And as much as I like you dude. You're a bad bet brother.
Scene from Real Steel, with Anthony Mackie and Hugh Jackman.