The first Harry Potter press conference where Daniel, Rupert and Emma are introduced
Growing up with Harry Potter.
Ladies and gentlemen. This is Rupert. This is Daniel. And this is Emma.
Daniel Radcliffe: The first time we met properly, we had this mad day when we had to go do a press conference. And kind of be introduced to the world's media.
Now, do remember that they're considerably younger than most actors that you're usually firing questions at. We just ask you to respect that.
Emma Watson: Oh my goodness. I was terrified. And everyone's just walking into this room and there just being journalists and cameras and flashes everywhere. I was so nervous. I thought I was gonna be sick. I really did.
I was wondering just how you were gonna spent your first paycheck. Do you have any idea what you're gonna do with the money?
Emma Watson: Uhm, I'm afraid I'm really gonna bore all of you. But I'm afraid I'm gonna stick it in the bank until I'm 21.
That's my girl.
Daniel Radcliffe: It was funny, because Repurt in those days was the really chatty one. And I was very quiet.
Daniel, are you going to be a saver?
Daniel Radcliffe: Probably. Uhm, I, no, I don't have any idea.
Rupert Grint: Well, speaking as a wizard. Well, we're gonna get paid in Muggle money and I don't really understand it.
Rupert Grint: I remember feeling a little bit nervous. But it was just a really exciting time. I will never forget it. It was amazing, yeah.
When I got this job. Because I felt a need to protect these kids against what eventually can go wrong if you star in a film of this magnitude. So we wanted to introduce our cast to you. And hopefully you'll get all your photographs and then let them get on with their lives. Let them get on with the making of this film.
Creating the world of Harry Potter.
Coming in 2012.