The true story of Winter in Dolphin Tale
In 2005 an injured dolphin was found. The story of her recovery would inspire millions.
Broderick Johnson (producer): The story of Dolphin Tale is about a dolphin named Winter. She's been trapped in a crab trap and Clearwater Marine Aquarium tried to rehabilitate her, but during the course of that rehabilitation her injuries caused her tail to have to be amputated.
Inspired by the amazing true story.
Ashley Judd (Lorraine Nelson): When I read that last page. That this was a true story. I was like, wow. I really want to be in this movie.
Abby Stone (Winter's trainer): We've never encountered this before.
Kevin Carroll (Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics): When a heard about this little dolphin that had lost his tail, I was thinking, oh, maybe I could help that little dolphin. And they came in and they said, you know what, we can use what we've done with humans and we can apply it to this prosthetic tail.