Viola Davis talks about her character Aibileen in The Help
I like to do a book of interview, from the point of view of the help. We're gonna get it right.
Every Character has a Story.
Viola Davis: When you meet Aibileen, she is a woman who has lost her purpose.
Does this dress look handmade? I reckon when you finish it won't. Thank you! She's been working on that dress for four weeks and that's what she came up with?
She is going through the motions of life. Doing what she needs to do to get by until she's introduced to this idea that brings life into her.
I thought I'd might write my stories down and read them to you.
She empowered by someone putting a pen to paper and asking: who are you?
You should read the book. It's quite scandalous.
I think it brings all the women to life. And all of the sudden we're given some hope. We're given a voice.
We're gonna done it now.